Meeting documents

Regeneration & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel
Monday, 18th March, 2013 10.00 am

SLHD 2012-13 Delivery Plan - Headline Report



APPENDIX A - SLHD 2012-13 Delivery Plan Quarter 3 Headline Report


Report Type: Actions Report

Report Author: Julie Dobson

Generated on: 01 February 2013




St Leger Homes Delivery Plan 2012-13













Latest Note

On Target


SLHD DP 12/13 1a Driving and delivering Value for Money

Of the four milestones relating to this strategic objective (Appendix B), all are on track.

The 2011/12 HouseMark core benchmarking report was published and received at the end of September 2012, analysis and action points are being worked on.


Resident Involvement - Based on the outcomes of the external assessment that was made of the service in April 2012, the service is now undertaking a full review, which involves creating a new, fit for purpose model of delivery that meets the legal requirement of the service, as set out in the Regulatory Framework and the Localism Bill. The new model for delivery is due to be in place by the end of March 2013.

Additionally, SLHD has come out in the top quartile in the 2011/12 HouseMark benchmark for direct cost per property in resident involvement.


Voids – System changes continue to be piloted showing continued improvement in void rent loss performance during quarter 3. The voids section of HouseMark data has been split into repairs and lettings with scenario modelling taking place to understand the potential impact on both cost and performance.


Office Premises - The accommodation review is ongoing. Rossington office closed at the end of July 2012 and SLHD now share premises at the Holmescarr Centre. Mexborough and Bentley Cash Offices closed at the end of September - customers can now go to Mexborough and Bentley libraries for enquires. Adwick and Stainforth cash offices were closed in quarter 3. The provisional estimated savings from these closures is £20k.


In addition, Property Services have been given the go ahead to move to new premises on Shaw Lane. This will result in the closure of Conisbrough, Adwick and Armthorpe depots and moving to a single site around May 2013, it is anticipated that this will result in £100k savings each year.



Central overheads – Benchmarking group established end of Q3 and data submitted. Awaiting results for further analysis and action.


ASB – Broken down into key elements of ASB and working with other organisations to develop a better understanding of costs and performance.


Major and Cyclical works - A major service review is underway to increase VFM by improving the planning of scheduled works. The phasing in of this is planned for April 2013









Traffic Light

Current Value

Current Target

Last Value

Latest Note

SLH KPI 1 % Of Current Rent Arrears against Annual debit





Rent recovery performance was 2.22% at the end of December. This is a 0.11% improvement from the previous month, however performance has not varied significantly during the quarter as a whole. Compared with the same time last year, we have seen a fairly significant increase in arrears, in December 2011 the arrears figure was 1.80%.


The reasons behind the increase are a combination of factors; however, the primary cause given by tenants in arrears, is the additional difficulty in juggling priority payments, when inflation on essentials such as utilities and food is higher than the increase in household income.


It is worthy to note, that other authorities in the area are experiencing the same difficulties, a recent study undertaken by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in Bradford highlighted the impact of the recession on low income families and the problems created by rising fuel costs, food prices, job losses and reduced working hours.


This study confirms what our income management staff are hearing from our tenants when they call at their homes. When we look at tenant’s income and expenditure they often have multiple debt problems. The payment of rent is often not being seen as the highest priority, because the penalty for non payment can be more extreme and immediate if they fail to pay other debts, despite the fact that they could eventually get evicted and lose their home.


The rent arrears cases include "hit and miss" payers who might pay for a few weeks and then miss a week to pay another debt, the end result is their arrears total creeps up. The number of serious cases over £1500 has increased from 44 in December 2011 to the present total of 81. We are working to a plan to improve both the long term and short term situation.

SLH KPI 13 (a) Value for Money Quarterly Budget Monitoring - Capital Expenditure





The Public Sector Housing Capital Programme for 2012-2013, for which SLHD are responsible, shows an overall projected spend of £42.748m against a budget provision of £42.748m.


This would result in a break-even budget position.

SLH KPI 13 (b) Value for Money Quarterly Budget Monitoring - Revenue Expenditure





The current projected outturn forecast for 2012-2013 is a surplus of £1,622k this is against a budget of £36m.


The projected surplus is 4.51% of the total expenditure budget.

SLH KPI 2 % of Rent Collected against Annual Debit





Performance for December (96.80%) is very similar to November (96.99%) and has not varied significantly during the quarter as a whole. Performance is following the trend seen in previous years. As expected, performance is down on the same time last year, because it is affected by the same factors that have also contributed to the increase in rent arrears, such as tenants not paying rent due to other debt priorities.


We have introduced a plan to improve performance up to the year end and beyond. This is proving to be a very positive initiative and now includes 14 short term and 11 long term actions.


Some of the key actions are:-


• Changing the role of the Senior Income Management Officer, so they perform more of a hands on role when it comes to serious case management

• Introducing overtime for a three month period and increasing the number of staff chasing arrears and assisting tenants with benefit advice

• Maximise publicity on rent recovery issues for example paying on the rent free week

• Reviewing the staffing structure

• Liaising with other organisations over performance and target setting

• Organising staff training


Although it will be a challenge to meet the target at the end of the year, the above actions should see an improvement on performance for the last quarter.


SLH KPI 3 Void Rent Loss % of rent loss through vacant dwellings





Performance has improved significantly since the end of quarter 2 when performance was 1.08%, and we have reached the end of year target for the first time this year. Quarter 3, also sees an improvement of 0.05% compared to the same time last year.


We will continue to monitor performance weekly and continue with regular meetings between Housing Services and Property Services to ensure that performance remains within target.



St Leger Homes Delivery Plan 2012-13













Latest Note

On Target


SLHD DP 12/13 2a Being prepared and helping tenants prepare for Welfare Benefit Reform

Of the five milestones, all are progressing to target

A strategic partnership group has been established with partner members including DMBC Housing Benefits, Strategic Housing, Stronger Families, Children’s and Adult Services. The group is chaired by SLHD’s CEO and meets monthly and has a strategic plan for members.


Visits to customers affected by the size criteria (commonly known as bedroom tax) have begun and a number of agency staff have been employed to assist with the visits. We estimate around 3,500 tenants will be affected. Ongoing publications in HouseProud and in conjunction with DMBC to raise the profile with those affected. Visits are focusing on those at greatest risk i.e

·        Those with difficulties such as learning, language, mental health issues or problems with literacy

·        Those who with the greatest financial impact (25% for 2+ bedrooms)

·        Those affected being advised of implications and supported in decision making e.g. Mutual Exchange, lowering barriers to work, assistance dealing with debts and budgets, assistance with moving to more size appropriate accommodation including moving costs


SLHD Officers have been speaking to SYCU regarding products and the Government are investigating suitable products to assist the delivery of Universal Credit. 










Traffic Light

Current Value

Current Target

Last Value

Latest Note

SLH KPI 4 Number of Evictions Due to Rent Arrears





There were no evictions in December 2012; however, we had a big spike in November when there were 6. The cumulative figure for the year is now 26, against a year end target of 25 therefore we cannot meet the target. However, the evictions don’t follow a seasonal trend and last year there were only 4 in the period January to March 2012. If we use that as a guide, the year end total is estimated to be above 30


We recently held the first meeting of senior officers to review and make decisions on the future of serious arrears cases. The options were further recovery work, application to court for possession orders or eviction. In many cases the Income Management Officers had done everything they could to recover the arrears, but we were left with no option but court action. A high number of our evictions are single people.




St Leger Homes Delivery Plan 2012-13













Latest Note

On Target


SLHD DP 12/13 3a Continued focus on ASB - including new innovations/enhancements

The partnership working at a local level remains strong, the case identification meetings commonly known as CIM's are particularly productive, this is where the front line staff from the different agencies get together to discuss their cases and share information. They then work out action plans.  The strength of the process is tackling ASB offenders early.  The serious ASB cases are presented to the Anti-Social Behaviour Panel on a monthly basis so that a group of senior officers from a number of agencies can complete a review and make recommendations regarding future action.  The majority of cases involve the protection of vulnerable residents.


There have been very few ASB cases involving introductory tenants, the vast majority of cases concern secure tenants.  The Police statistics show a consistent fall in the number of ASB cases across Doncaster. SLHD have experienced the same, however there is a growing trend of more serious cases and the need for legal action.  Many of the perpetrators have drug, alcohol or mental health problems.  This complicates the legal process because of the issues surrounding the Equalities Act.


Most of the ASB cases presented in court for possession and injunctions have been related to the usual issues, however there were a couple of actions which were unusual.  In the North area a number of injunctions have been obtained against tenants who have erected fencing in the front gardens of the properties in the Woodland Squares conservation area which have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the estate.  In the Central area possession proceedings are going ahead against a tenant caught stealing metal from one of our properties.


At the end of December there was an average satisfaction rate of 89% with the way we handle ASB cases, we continue to investigate any cases where the tenant has expressed dissatisfaction.










Traffic Light

Current Value

Current Target

Last Value

Latest Note

SLH KPI 5 Customer satisfaction with the handling of ASB





This KPI is provided one month in arrears.


There were 10 satisfied customers and 1 dissatisfied customer in November.


The one dissatisfied case is being investigated, to see if we handled the case correctly and find out if there is anything more we can do for the complainant.


Viewpoint (an independent social enterprise organisation) now carry out the surveys, with the intention of increasing the rate of return and introducing a more sophisticated IT system (Voluntas) for collecting data.


The cumulative satisfaction rate for the year is currently 89%, this is 4% behind the year end target.

SLH KPI 6 % of introductory tenancies not converted due to ASB

Data Only


 Data Only


During the three month period October – December 2012, there were no introductory tenancy cases not converted into secure tenancies as a result of ASB. This switch from introductory tenancy to secure tenancy normally occurs after 12 months, but it can be 18 months if we extend the introductory period.


This figure does not mean there is no ASB in introductory tenancies, because there is, and we have ongoing cases. However, the problems can usually be resolved by other enforcement action like letters, verbal warnings and intervention by our partners, for example the Environmental Health Department (mainly noise problems).



St Leger Homes Delivery Plan 2012-13













Latest Note

On Target


SLHD DP 12/13 4a Supporting the Council to provide better quality homes

Of the three milestones relating to this strategic objective, all are on target.


The Private Landlord Officer has been working with the Financial Inclusion Team to promote the service as those who express an interest in moving as a result of the Social Housing Size Criteria have a full range of options offered including the Private Landlord Scheme. Predominantly SLHD have very few 2 bedroom properties so we have also been working with investors who are looking to purchase multiple properties for us to manage, to look at properties with 2 bedrooms.


As we have a dedicated person working on the Private Landlord scheme the communication between SLHD and The Empty Property Team in DMBC has increased. We receive regular updates from DMBC regarding the grant properties that allow us to plan in advance. This has reduced the amount of time that the properties are empty.


We have promoted the service using different methods such as, holding events in Doncaster Town Centre, radio coverage and stories in the local newspapers. We have also designed and are currently working with a company that will supply and install advertising boards outside the vacant properties.  


Following consultation, the Allocation Policy changes were presented and agreed at Cabinet on 19th December. The full draft policy is currently with the legal department and we are working with our IT service provider for an implementation date and project plan to incorporate a full review of the current housing register.









Traffic Light

Current Value

Current Target

Last Value

Latest Note

SLH_RM25 Private Landlord Scheme





We have signed 38 private landlords to the scheme as of 31 December  2012, against a target of 33. Of the 38 we have 34 tenanted. In addition, we are working with  21 other landlords -  10  through the grant scheme and  11  independent landlords with a view to them signing the Management Agreement. The majority of landlords that we are working with have individual or small numbers of properties. We feel confident that the target of 44 will be achieved by the end of the financial year. We are also working with new landlords that are looking to invest in several properties

SLH_RM27 Empty Properties into HRA





Contracts have been exchanged for a further 11 properties at Finningley with completion expected end of March, the acquisition budget has been adjusted accordingly.



St Leger Homes Delivery Plan 2012-13













Latest Note

On Target


SLHD DP 12/13 5a Consider business opportunities for growth and diversification

Your Homes Newcastle - Whilst SLHD remains poised to commence service delivery, no orders have yet been passed to us from YHN. There is some concern regarding the impact of welfare benefit reforms and the eligibility of service charges for benefit payments. These concerns have impacted on the ability of YHN to secure new customers for the service which in turn has resulted in there being no deliveries for SLHD to make.


Viewpoint - During Quarter 3 Viewpoint continued to operate successfully out of St Leger Court and managed to secure two new contracts for customer satisfaction testing for Doncaster NHS and A1 Housing. This resulted in the existing staff doubling their hours in quarter 3 and further recruitment is planned toward the end of the calendar year.









Traffic Light

Current Value

Current Target

Last Value

Latest Note

SLH_RM28 Job Opportunities Created

Data Only


 Data only


Employment opportunities relate to apprenticeships, gardeners and their supervisors

SLH_RM29 Number of SLHD tenants employed from NEETS/JSA

Data Only


 Data only


Two of the three Viewpoint employees are SLHD tenants.

We are currently working with our contractor partners to see if we can identify the numbers of SLHD tenants currently employed through their contracts.



St Leger Homes Delivery Plan 2012-13













Latest Note

Off Track


SLHD DP 12/13 6a Additional KPI Information required for Challenge

Of the 6 additional KPI's, 1 is on target, 2 are near to target, 1 is under target, 1 is data only and 1 is an annual indicator.

Further detail on each of the KPI's progress is provided within the PI commentary below.









Traffic Light

Current Value

Current Target

Last Value

Latest Note

SLH KPI 10 Proportion of Planned Repairs against Responsive





To address this performance SLHD are using the Systems Thinking approach to introduce working procedures to make the service more effective and efficient.


Using the Systems Thinking approach has identified savings that can be made in the responsive repairs service by reorganising the work into smaller areas reducing waste such as travelling time. This in turn will have a positive impact on the planned works by increasing available resources.


The project plan will be phased in from April 2013.

SLH KPI 11 % of properties with a valid Landlord Certificate





The 2012/13 annual gas service programme was completed December 21 2012 which was 12 days ahead of schedule and a full 4 weeks earlier than 2011/12.


This excellent performance was achieved due to joint working by DMBC and cross directorate working within St. Leger Homes.

SLH KPI 12 Complaints Activity - Property Services

Data Only


 Data Only


Property Services generated 88% (97 in total) of complaints received in November. 47% of these complaints (46 in total) were service failure.

The main themes for Service Failure are; Time taken to complete a repair (19), Lack of communication (8), Outstanding repair (3) and Poor service delivery (3).


The main 3 service teams generating the Service Failure (SF) complaints are:


Wet Trade teams (10 SF complaints received in total, 5 against West and 5 against East). This is an increase of October’s service failure complaints for these teams.


Gas, Electrical and Mechanical (9 SF complaints received in total)

This is a decrease of October’s service failure complaints for these teams.


Electrical and Painters teams (6 SF complaints received in total, 1 against East and 5 against West). This is an increase of October’s service failure for these teams.


Please note in terms of complaints received against activity, Decency work is reported as a stand alone service, as the work is raised and completed separately. The rest of Property Services are reported as a collective.


There were a total of 10,005 repairs raised, which equates to 0.88% (88) of total complaints received and 0.39% (40) determined as service failure.


There were a total of 7,174 repairs completed, which equates to 1.23% (88) of total complaints received and 0.56% (40) determined as service failure.


The total number of properties opened for Decency work in November is a total of 526 which equates to 1.71% (9) of total complaints received and 1.14% (6) determined as service failure.


The total number of properties handed back from Decency work is a total of 537 which equates to 1.67% (9) of total complaints received and 1.12% (6) determined as service failure.

SLH KPI 7 Average SAP rating per dwelling

Annual Indicator




This performance indicator is only reported annually.


The 2011/12 SAP rating outturn of 66.56 was below the annual target of 67.26 (by 0.7).

This shortfall can be attributed to 2 things:

1. External render to some high blocks in the town centre that had not been completed by the end of the financial year.  2. Some non-traditional properties in Mexborough had to be moved back in the programme pending mains gas infrastructure installation. The properties which were brought forward to replace them in the programme did not yield as much of a SAP rating improvement as those originally planned. Those properties which were pushed back will not be completed until towards the end of 2012/13.

SLH KPI 8 Right First Time





Cumulative performance is 96.23%, just below the target of 97%. There has been a slight deterioration from last month, when performance was 96.35%.


Quarter 3 saw a slight deterioration in performance compared to quarter 2, when performance was 96.77%.


Monthly performance for Right First Time is 96.73%, which was an improvement from last month when performance was 96.07%.


There were two depots that did not achieve target during December, these were depot 066 (Gas) 94.63% and depot 502 (Wet Trades) 96.56%. Depot 066 had the most jobs not right first time, 71 in total.


Analysis of these 71 jobs has shown that:-

• 6 were due to workmanship

• 9 were tenant Led – unsure of how the system works, tenants have again been

informed how the system works

• 32 were wrong diagnosis by operative, training ongoing with staff,

• 3 jobs were carded,

• 4 jobs were cancelled,

• 17 jobs no feedback provided.


All other depots were above the 97% target.


Performance for the same time last year was slightly higher at 96.44%.

SLH KPI 9 Appointments Made and Kept





December’s monthly outturn figure is 99.25%, this represents 3,579 jobs where appointments were kept out of a total of 3,606, where an appointment was made.


Quarter 3's performance is 99.06%, which is an improvement of 0.07% since quarter 2, when performance was 98.99%.


Analysis has highlighted that in December, only depot 500 (Joinery) achieved the profiled target of 99.50%.


Depot 66 (Gas) achieved 99.21%, depot 501 (Plumbing) achieved 99.37%, depot 502 (Wet Trades) achieved 99.47% and depot 503 (Mixed Trades) achieved 98.20% and were below the target.


The highest achieving depot was depot 500 (Joinery) achieving 99.86%.


A total of 27 appointments were missed across all the depots in December. This is an improvement compared to the same time last year when 32 appointments were missed. The reasons they were missed are as follows:


• 2 appointments were attended earlier than the appointment date (8 for the same time last year)

• 7 were attended later than the appointment day (3 for the same time last year)

• 15 were attended late on the correct appointment day (18 for the same time last year) and

• 3 were attended early on the correct appointment day (1 for the same time last year)


There is a slight decline in performance compared to the same period last year when quarter 3's performance was 99.28%.